Check out the 8 political personalities!
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Check out the 8 political personalities
Yes. Political Personality Match is 100% free, private, independent, and anonymous. We are not directly affiliated with any political party. Our goal is to give you insight into your values, ambitions, and goals so you can become a champion for yourself. Browse the 8 political personalities to see which one matches you the best.
You’ll get to see traits, policy values, recommendations, party match strengths, and opportunities. We hope this will inspire you to understand the issues that are most important to you, without relying on biased sources.
Of course, everyone is unique and should develop their own political persona for themselves. These personalities shouldn’t substitute for your own feelings and beliefs, but it can help provide you some signal into how your values align with other groups of folks.
Each personality has 20 traits, to show potential alignment with the top 4 political parties: Democratic Party, Republican Party, Green Party, and Libertarian Party. It will also show where these personalities may stand on the ideological spectrum of liberal vs. conservative.
You may be surprised to learn that we’re all somewhere in the middle, with different preferences for different values. We’re all unique.